The Plan to Let Undocumented Migrants Stay in Canada Will be Reviewed by PM and Cabinet Members

Plan to Let Undocumented Migrants Stay in Canada Being Reviewed

The Canadian government is considering a plan to provide a pathway to citizenship for undocumented migrants living in Canada, including those with expired study permits and rejected asylum seekers. Immigration Minister Marc Miller is preparing to present this plan to the federal cabinet for discussion before the summer recess of Parliament.

What Does the Plan to Let Undocumented Migrants Suggest?

The proposal suggests that undocumented migrants could apply to regularize their status and potentially gain permanent residence. To manage the process and avoid overwhelming the system, the government may issue work permits first and stagger the granting of permanent residence over several years.

This initiative comes at a time when Canada has set targets for welcoming 485,000 permanent residents in 2024 and 500,000 in both 2025 and 2026, despite a decline in public support for immigration linked to concerns over affordable housing.

Advocates like Syed Hussan of the Migrant Workers Alliance for Change argue that regularizing the status of migrants already living and working in Canada would not exacerbate housing pressures and could contribute billions of dollars to the economy.

Who Will This Affect?

The plan aims to address the situation of migrants who have been in Canada for years, some with children, who face the risk of deportation due to overstaying or being denied the right to remain. Those who entered legally but remained after their visas expired could also be eligible to stay under the proposed program.

The initiative aligns with the Prime Minister’s mandate letter to the former immigration minister in 2021, which called for exploring ways to regularize the status of undocumented workers contributing to Canadian communities.

What is The Criteria for This Plan?

The proposal is expected to include criteria such as having lived in Canada for a certain period and not having committed serious crimes or terrorist offenses. Other countries, like Ireland, have implemented similar programs to allow migrants to regularize their status.

The cabinet is anticipated to discuss the proposal soon, as per sources who spoke to The Globe and Mail. If approved, this could be a significant step towards addressing the complex issue of undocumented migration in Canada.

How Can We Help

The Immigration Law Firm of Matthew Jeffery specializes in complex cases and has over 20 years of experience helping clients become permanent residents of Canada. Fill out our contact form to see if we can help you with your immigration matters.