Changes to Canadian Experience Class pronounced on November 8, 2013

Changes to Canadian Experience Class pronounced on November 8, 2013

The immigration authorities have issued a new proclamation limiting the occupations that can apply under the Canadian Experience Class (CEC). Effective immediately November 8th, 2013, the following occupations will no longer be accepted under the CEC:

  • cooks (NOC code 6322)
  • food service supervisors (NOC 6311)
  • administration officers (NOC 1221)
  • administrative assistants (NOC 1241)
  • accounting technicians and bookkeepers (NOC 1311)
  • retail sales supervisors (NOC 6211)

The new edict also establishes a sub-cap of 200 applications for each NOC B occupation. NOC A and 0 (management) occupations will not be subject to a sub-cap, but will be subject to a total limit of 12,000 applications for all occupations in 2014. The immigration authorities have also decreed a new “client-friendly” measure whereby those who do not meet the English or French language requirements will have their applications returned along with the processing fee.